The Global Community Torah
Atzei Chayim
Atzei Chayim

Make Your Mark in Three Easy Steps

  1. Learn about the fonts by hovering over the six-letter options.
  2. Click on your preferred font to make a selection.
  3. Click Make Your Mark to claim your letter or dedicate one to someone else.

Please note: Your letter may change depending on the number of people participating at the same moment. Your final letter and the verse in which it appears will be displayed after you submit your information on the next page.


A Letter from the

Ten years ago, we were in over our heads.

Sefaria was just a big idea, cooked up by a couple of unlikely guys. We had dreams of building a living, digital library of Jewish texts… but back then we had a lot to learn, quickly, about what it would take.

And we learned that what it takes is you.

There are more people studying on Sefaria on any given day than can fit into any single beit midrash (study hall) on the planet. Each brings their own perspective, experience, and interpretation, but they come together around this core text that has been the backbone of the Jewish people for thousands of years.

Torah is the glue that holds us together. It belongs to each of us. And as this community has stepped up to engage with the vibrancy of Jewish tradition, you have also invested in Sefaria in a big way — as a non-profit, our largest single source of funding is donations from users like you.

In honor of our tenth anniversary, we asked ourselves: How can we celebrate the community that has inspired and energized us, that has made this grand experiment vibrant and meaningful, for the past decade?

In response, we are excited to share the launch of the Global Community Torah: a world-spanning digital collaboration, collectively “written” by you.

Deuteronomy 31:19 states, “Therefore, write down this song and teach it to the people of Israel…” This verse is the source for the final commandment in the Torah: for each and every Jew to write a Torah because every Jew has a stake in the tradition. This commandment has always held a unique resonance for Sefaria.

The Global Community Torah is a worldwide effort to collectively re-enact this idea. Over 700,000 people rely on Sefaria every month — and that number continues to grow. When we think about the future of this platform, we know it begins with every one of you.

Here’s to the next ten years. And the tens, and tens, and tens after that.

This is only the beginning.









Brett Lockspeiser
Joshua Foer